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Monday, April 5, 2010

Delicious, tantalising....but...

You’ve heard about the benefits of dark chocolate. Well, unfortunately,there are some negatives too.

For instance, those who suffer from migraines should not take chocolate as it can act as a trigger. So if you know you have migraine, do avoid eating chocolate unless you love chocolate so much that you’re willing to enjoy first and suffer later!

White chocolate and milk chocolate have higher contents of fat and lesser health benefits. They generally have more sugar, saturated fat and are higher in calories.

Another negative is that chocolate can trigger obesity especially is you’re one of those that cannot stop after a couple of pieces. It is also suspected to be one of the factors in developing diabetes. However this is not conclusive as studies are still ongoing to determine if it has any such implications.

This is important! Chocolate in any form is not good for your pets. It contains theobromine, a kind of stimulant and which pets cannot digest. So if you care for your pets’ health, avoid giving them any cake, puddings, ice cream and cookies that contain chocolate. In this case, what’s good for you is definitely not good for your pets.

If you are a chocolate fan, and you also have to watch your weight, go for sugar-free chocolates ( like me !!! ), chocolates with nuts or orange peel and even chilli!! Avoid those with caramel, nougat or creme fillings since these flavored fillings contain fat and sugar that will make you put on weight.

Finally be aware that there are chocolates and there are chocolates. Those that are highly-processed and poorly made are usually high in calories, sugar, and fat. They don’t taste good at all.

If you can have only small amounts of chocolate, I recommend that you go for the good quality ones, especially the dark chocolates, even if they cost more, for the taste of a good chocolate is simply exquisite. Mmmm….

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