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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Fun Time with Grandchildren

Having grandchildren is a wonderful blessing from God. The little ones bring one great joy and being able to see them grow is another blessing.

                                                                I can paint too!

We visited our two younger grandchildren this week, still pre-schoolers.
                                                             Playing Monopoly

The younger child is about two and a half now and can talk, although some of her words are still not very clear. She loves to imitate her older brother, parroting his words and actions.

                                                              At the playground

Here are some of our activities during this short period of bonding. Our visits are short and far in between so the time we spend together are very precious.
                                                      Constructing with Grandpa
                                                            Almost done!
                                                                 I can reach it!!

We hope to leave behind happy memories of their grandparents.  
                                                             Fun at the Mall
                                                                 Fun at the keys.