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Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy First Birthday

What was to have been a big birthday party for my youngest grandchild turned out to be a non-event.
He had contracted a chest infection and had to be hospitalized. 

The resident doctor was unable to set up a drip for the baby and both his clumsy attempts traumatized the child so badly that the sight of anyone  dressed in white coming near him had him screaming non-stop. It was equally traumatic for us adults who witnessed his fear.

Fortunately the paediatrician successfully set up the drip in the afternoon and baby Isaac calmed down. It was so painful for us to see him hooked up to the drip and both his hands bandaged and rendered immobile so that he could not pull out the tubing.

A visitor brought him a balloon.
 Although the party had to be cancelled, the cake was brought to the hospital.  It was a lovely two-tiered cake decorated with Sesame Street figurines and tiny balloons.

 When the single candle was lit, Isaac was so excited that he couldn’t stop showing his wonder and delight.  He was very vocal in his excitement and his face lit up as we sang him the Happy Birthday song.

 Thank goodness for smartphones.  We were able to capture this on video and I’ve been playing it over and over again just to hear his delight and see his lovely smile.

This was also the first time he was given presents nicely wrapped up. He seemed to know that inside the little gaily wrapped parcels were things to look forward to.

 He was discharged in the morning of his actual birthday and we were so happy to have him home that his dad bought another cake for him.
  However there was no candle this time as we believe you can only light your birthday candle just once.  He did cut the cake again, decorated with the same figurines as he liked them.

  Praise God for His healing hands on Isaac who is now on the road to recovery.