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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pole Dancing

It looks deceptively simple but one lady pole dancer says it isn’t. There is a lot of hard work and sweat and you need to put in lots of  time to practice the moves. You can also get bruises in the beginning.
 However, once you get the hang of it, it looks simple and sensual as your body glides up and down the pole and you strike different poses.
It was a marvelous sight to behold the young ladies doing their routines on the poles.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Lift Up The Steep Steps

When you have reached seventy and above, you are entitled to spoil yourself.

Such an occasion arose while we were on a visit to the mountains in Zhangjiajie, China.
We had climbed hundreds of steps and there were more to come! So when there were people who offered a lift up those steep steps for a fee, we joyfully opted for the ride.

Little did we know what a ride it would turn out to be!  The two guys just rushed up the steps, hollering at the crowds to stay out of the way and of course I had to cling on for dear life, and many a time I just had to close my eyes in case the guy in front stumbled and I would careen over the mountain side into the bottomless depths.  There was no safety belt as it was just a simple rattan seat carried on the shoulders of two guys.

Boy, what an experience it was, but I’ll not go through it again!! Thoroughly shaken and bounced, I was happy to get off the seat and stand on flat ground again.

Friday, October 11, 2013

An Awakening That Is Still Not Too Late

It was most heartening to see these two notices during my trip to China. The first one is a timely reminder that trees are precious. Indeed they are, in more ways than one.
 The other was in a restaurant.  Many people still waste food. On the buffet line, they will pile their dishes high with food, heedless of whether they can consume it all.  In fact a lot is left behind on the plates to be discarded later. It’s such a shame that food is wasted unnecessarily while others are dying of starvation.
Let’s hope that more restaurants will put up such notices to remind people not to waste food. It helps to remember that while we enjoy the lavish spread laid out before us, there are others who are less fortunate and may not even have a square meal once a day.