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Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012

Today is the last day of 2012. It is unbelievable that a whole year has gone by and is ending at the stroke of midnight tonight.

I had my usual morning golf with my buddy and her spouse. It was a good exercise, pulling our trolleys and hitting the little white ball down the green fairways and across the ponds.
Getting in and out of the bunkers is par for the course. It only takes a shot that shanks and you find yourself in a deep bunker, deeper than you are tall. At 06:34a.m. the moon could still be seen in the sky!
It was a very hot morning despite it only being 06:50 hrs. when we teed off at the ninth hole, our last for the morning.
Returned home to do the laundry and trim some of my plants. This was followed by a simple lunch of stir-fried noodles at a downtown hotel restaurant.

Tonight our church is having potluck and the combined congregation of both the English and Mandarin services will bring our dishes to share with everyone.

As for the countdown, I doubt I will be able to stay up late enough to welcome in the New Year but I do hope that it will bring better fortune to everyone, considering how badly many people have suffered, their homes inundated by floods or destroyed in landslips, razed by fires or simply having fallen prey to burglars. I also hope that criminals will be brought to book, whether it is rape-murders, baby killing or snatch thefts. Justice has not only to be done but also seen to be done.

Happy 2013!