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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just like Old Times

Today was a good day. My friend fetched me and we went to the Marina at the Sutera Harbour Golf and Country Resort for lunch.

There we met up with another dear old friend. This was a very special outing as we hadn't met like this for a very very long time.

Food was secondary as we shared thoughts on topical interests. We ordered Mamak mee which was very well done, I must say. It wasn't the typical sweet stuff with all that gooey tomato sauce. This wasn't oily and it tasted good. Then there was Madras curry and a fish and vegetable dish.

Yours truly brought a camera along but forgot to take pictures!! Talk about senior's lapse! Most disappointing.

Not only that, but the balmy day together with the sea breeze had me striving to keep my eyelids open even though the conversation was most interesting. My two friends are much younger and they are still working while I'm the retiree. We used to play golf every weekend but somehow along the last two years, our game had petered out because of their busy schedules.

However I still have my morning rounds as soon as it is light enough to see the ball on the fairway. However, my morning buddy will leaving for Taipeh in two days to prepare for her youngest daughter's graduation as a doctor and also her wedding. So this time she will be away for a few weeks which means your truly will not be having any golf as the significant other has given up playing. Sigh..... I'll miss my buddy and our morning golf...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Z Generation

It's amazing how the young children take to computers like ducks to water.

The Z generation are really into gadgets as well.

It was such a pleasant surprise to see on Facebook that my granddaughter had uploaded a video and she's very fast on the keyboard, clacking away while her granddad is still using two fingers to type! Mind you she's not using the touch system which I learnt when I was a teenager.

This is a real rainbow moment for me and I wanted to share with you.

I don't know if any oldies out there (like me) find it difficult to learn new things, especially how to use gadgets like the latest android or iphone. The other day a younger person told me that oldies' brains don't work as fast as young people's so that's why they will never catch up with the latest technology. Sigh...sigh.... how true. I'm speaking for myself. I'm sure there are lots of savvy oldies out there who can give the younger people a run for their money.

Don't you agree?