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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Friends and Family Get-togethers

Nothing is more joyful than to get together with friends and family.  It doesn’t always have to be a special occasion.  However this time it so happened there were two special occasions which took place in Kuala Lumpur.  Before I left for KL, two of my old friends gave me a treat.

 The first one was a get-together over lunch to meet up with a former classmate in our class of ’59.  She was on transit before returning to Sydney and this was the first time I was seeing her after 54 years!!  We were teenagers when we parted after secondary school.  Now I’m a grandma!!

The next occasion was a meeting of former college mates on my birthday.  They didn’t know it was my birthday but when they saw me looking at the many messages on my phone, I had to tell them that they were birthday greetings.  So they got me a slice of cake to commemorate the occasion.

My birthday dinner was celebrated together with my family, siblings and nieces who happened to be available that evening.  Some were still in Melbourne so could not join us.  My son caught a bus up from Singapore to host the dinner and my nieces gave me a birthday cake.

It was a multi-course dinner which had us stuffed to the gills!!  Among the dishes was the roast suckling pig which was a favourite among all present.  There were birthday noodles with small longetivity buns & a sweet dessert to round off the evening.

 My two brothers gave me red packets while my two sisters gave me pretty gifts, one a beautiful bracelet and the other a lovely pair of dangling earrings.

Best of all was the company of my dear and loved ones.  My friends are special old friends who go back a long way and it was most joyful to catch up reminiscing over old times.

The Lord has blessed me richly with loving family members and wonderful friends. Praise be unto Him and Glory to His Name.