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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Light up like a rainbow!


Have you ever seen a rainbow appear in an otherwise gloomy sky?
Doesnt it gladden your heart, the sight of pretty colours arching across into infinity?

Such a miracle, isnt it? That out of nowhere, a beautiful band of colours appears and takes your breath away.

Likewise we need rainbows in our lives. Someone may bring a rainbow into your life, you may create a rainbow in someone's life or you can create your own rainbow.

What is a rainbow after all? It could be different things to different people. To me it's a sign that life is beautiful if we look for the beauty that waits to be discovered. To some it could be the symbolic journey to their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. To others it could represent a journey into the unknown, the future, perhaps.

Or a person could be the rainbow in your life, one who brings colour and hope to an otherwise bleak existence, the dull hopeless grind of daily struggle. Let us try to be a rainbow and bring colour and cheer to others, whether it be sharing or help, or just pointing the way to someone in need.