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Sunday, June 7, 2020

Learning Never Stops

It is well-known that one begins to learn the moment one is born and this does not stop until you take your last breath.

During the CMO i.e. the lockdown in my country, I opted to learn more things online. Now I have a new Facebook page, Your Puppy Needs.

Here I post articles about puppy needs.

Bringing a puppy home is not as simple as you think.

You have to consider what is needed and you have to provide for the puppy so that he and you can co-exist in a warm and loving atmosphere. He will grow into a loving faithful companion for you.

However, he doesn’t come equipped with the knowledge of what is expected of him, he doesn’t understand the words that come from your mouth. That’s right, your puppy doesn’t understand the language you speak.

So to help you get familiar with what you need to do and how to get your puppy to understand you, visit here to learn more.

I also have a Facebook page but I need more likes before it can have its own custom name
Here is the link to the page:

Please visit my page and give it a like. Any suggestions on what you would like to see in future posts are also welcomed.

The CMO has a Silver Lining

Life has not been the same since March 18, 2020. That was the day that the Movement Control Order was implemented and our country went into lockdown in a concerted effort to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus, a pandemic that was devastating the world.

Everyone had to stay home and reminders were everywhere, in the newspapers, on the television. The importance of personal hygiene was stressed, washing hands with soap for at least 20 seconds to ensure that any contamination would be soaped off.  Social distancing was a must. Only one person in a car was allowed and you could only go out if you had a valid reason. People worked from home, schools were shut and the elderly were cautioned to stay home at all times.

Those who succumbed to the virus were mostly the elderly because they had co-morbidities, meaning they also suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. which made them very vulnerable and unlikely to survive if they contracted the disease. Updates and statistics were reported daily on the tv by the Director General of the Health Ministry. They were powerful deterrents to those who found the MCO stifling. Everyone had to adjust to what was now deemed the new normal.

How did everyone use this period of lockdown? Each had his/her own creative resources. Latent talents surfaced and new businesses were started during the CMO, mostly online and home deliveries. This was something to be thankful for.

What did I do? Spent more time on the computer, learning new things, doing some writing and taking care of my plants that were growing on my balcony.

There was and still is the continuing  battle with the nasty mealy bugs that attack the leaves, the roots and the stems of the flowering plants and house greens. I couldn’t exterminate them and they destroyed all my flowers. It was heartbreaking. Now they are memories in my thumbdrive.

The most heartening outcome of this enforced lockdown is a cleaner environment, bluer skies, fresher air and rivers became cleaner. Creatures not seen before now appear, e.g. the otters! There was also less noise pollution as traffic was at a minimal and planes no longer crossed the skies. Countries had shut their borders and for us, there was no air traffic between the mainland and East Malaysia across the South China Sea.