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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Class Reunions

Students rarely think of class reunions unless they have left their schools for at least ten years. Then they begin to organise 10th anniversary, 20th, 25th 30th anniversary reunions.

I was invited to 3 class reunions on consecutive nights.  Thursday night's reunion was organised by the class of 73/74 sixth formers, for the first time after 40 years. The old girls fetched me as my night vision is poor. It was an intimate group of 20+ attendees including teachers and former principal and we had dinner at a seaside resort.

                                                    Amy Jean Yee, myself and Bro Charles
                                                                                 Datuk Bro Charles O'Leary, former principal

Friday night's reunion was organised by the class of '84 celebrating their 30th anniversary and it was held in a well-known seafood restaurant. Teachers who had taught them were invited to this lovely dinner and they gave us a wooden souvenir plaque, a Tsbirt and photographs to commemorate this enjoyable evening.
                                          Old boys getting together. The banner has the class photos
                                         The teachers' catching up with one another

Saturday was the main 53rd Alumni reunion and there were 111 tables to commemorate the school's 111th anniversary. This grand dinner was hosted in one of the largest halls in town. The class of "82 invites their teachers every year without fail and this year they gave us a light blue Tshirt as a souvenir. The theme was "We are one" and the enthusiastic rendition of the school rally testified to that.  Many old boys flew in from different parts of the world for this occasion. The La Sallian spirit is very much alive and burning brightly.

Julia Jock, one of my old girls, who is now the excellent school principal of La Salle.
The blue Tshirt given by the amazing class of '82 who never fails to invite us every year.
Julia with Jennifer, a former teacher who is also one of my old girls from Sabah College.
Mary Gomez, also one of my younger old girls, now a practising lawyer with her own law firm.

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