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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fruit of Abundance

We are lucky to live in the Tropics as there is an abundance of coconut palms. You can see them growing by the beach and you also have them growing in plantations for commercial purposes.

The coconut itself has many uses and deserves to be called the fruit of abundance. The husk or outer brown layer of the mature coconut can be made into brushes, mats, rope, planters for orchids and it was also burned for fuel in the past. Its shell is often made into cups, ladles and money-boxes.

Its flowers can be fermented to produce toddy, a very potent drink that can get you drunk in no time. Coconut oil, a saturated fat is made from the copra or dried coconut meat. Who hasn’t heard of Virgin Coconut Oil?

Coconut candy is made from the inside of the fresh mature coconut.This is a superb sweet that is so very yummy. It is usually home made.

When the coconut flesh is scraped ( dessicated ) it can be squeezed to produce coconut milk known as santan which is used in curries and local cakes. The coconut is also used in the production of soaps and cosmetics.

The water inside the coconut makes a healthy drink as it is low in fat and calories. It has no cholesterol and has a natural balance of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium making it a healthy electrolyte drink. It is good to drink after your exercise as it really quenches your thirst,refreshes you and hydrates your system.

The coconut is anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-microbial. It helps to prevent intestinal gas and detoxifies your body. At the same time it enhances the absorption of nutrients.

Because it has high potassium content, drinking coconut water regularly can significantly reduce your risk of hypertension.

You can use the coconut water to help reduce the rashes caused by chicken pox and measles.

If you have a hangover, after too much booze, a glass of coconut water will help you to get rid of it. Moreover if you find yourself vomiting you should drink coconut water as it helps to stop it. Isn't it wonderful? The toddy made from its flowers will make you drunk but the coconut water will stop you from vomitting and bring you out of your hangover and refresh you!

The final good news is that people who are trying to lose weight, will find that drinking coconut water increases the metabolic rate, thereby promoting weight loss.

So here's to Coconut water, Nature's Health Drink! A votre sante!

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