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Monday, November 4, 2013

Super Dare Devils

One of the nicest shows that we have seen was in Guilin. It was mainly an acrobatic show with some dances.  However there was a presentation that demanded a lot of skill and courage. This presentation opened with a dramatic bang of thunder and lightning. The light effects were astounding.

 Then the smoke screen cleared to reveal a huge wire globe with a ramp leading to its door.
 As we were wondering what surprise was in store, a large motorbike roared on stage and two men quickly opened the door and he shot into the globe.  The door closed behind him and he began to circle inside the globe going faster and faster.
 A couple of minutes later another rider roared on stage and zipped into the globe.  I was on tenterhooks. How do they keep their distance?  The globe wasn’t that big and there were two riders inside zooming round and round.
 As I was wondering, two more riders came on and rushed into the globe soon followed by another. Now there were five riders inside!!  At first they were chasing one another. Then they were criss-crossing each other, from the side and from the top and bottom.

It was a nail-biting experience, watching them speeding inside, going round and round, up and down, side to side. After a short while, they came out of the globe and took their bows.
 These were really dare-devils, risking their lives and limbs each day in this small spherical space.

What astonished me was one of them was a woman!! Who says a woman can’t do what a man can??
She’s truly courageous and very daring.

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