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Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Beautiful Wedding

The weather is perfect, not hot and there's no rain. It's a beautiful morning, when we witness my niece Janice's wedding to Marcus Lavender. She has flown back to Kuala Lumpur for her wedding as all her aunties and uncles and cousins are here. It would be far too expensive for all of us to fly to Melbourne where she now lives.
Marcus and Janice flew in with his family members and friends so we had a good mix of both Asian and Aussie guests and relatives.

The hall was prettily decorated for the wedding ceremony. After Janice and Marcus took their marriage vows witnessed by all their friends and relatives, we had a light lunch.

Fried meehoon, fried spring rolls, samosars ( I think ) and a variety of nonya cakes and fruit were served together with fruit punch, tea and coffee. Sambal, cut red chillis in soy sauce and chili sauce accompanied the food for those of us who cannot do without chilli. I for one must have either my sambal or cut red chillis with my noodles and vegetables otherwise the food will taste bland. ( Sorry I forgot to take pictures of the food!)

After lunch we had the tea ceremony or cham cha. This is the Asian tradition which is de rigeur for weddings and it is this tea ceremony which sees the introduction of the new spouse to the family. Accepting the cup of tea served symbolises acceptance into the family. If the tea is rejected it means that the spouse is not welcome and will not be considered as part of the family. However in this modern era, no one refuses the cup of tea that is offered. In return the bridal couple receive gifts of jewellery and money.

The bridal couple serve their parents, followed by the elders according to their seniority.

Later, the couple are served tea by the younger generation and they will give the youngsters red packets which contain money.

After the tea ceremony is over, everyone retires for an afternoon rest before attending the wedding dinner which is held in the evening. It is a joyous occasion where invited guests will toast the happy couple with lots of yam sengs ( down the hatch! ).

Here are some pictures of the family. Janice's aunts and uncles. Guess which one is me?

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