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Sunday, August 16, 2009


It's all about choices. Sometimes we make the right choice, other times it turns out to be a wrong one. Whichever it is, most times there is no turning back.

We are what we eat..... how true this has turned out to be, especially in my case. You know, when one is young, one takes one's health for granted. It never strikes you that your body is vulnerable, that by eating the "wrong" things, you could be setting up your body for a nasty surprise sometime in the future.

I've always had a sweet tooth and I'm now paying for it. Yes, I've got the disease that my doctor says " it's a disease you don't ever want to get". It's the terrible Diabetes Type 2. I had already been warned by someone that since both my parents have it, I would have a 99% chance of getting it. Ever the optimist, I thought that I would belong to the 1% where I wouldn't get it. Boy, was I wrong!
I was diagnosed a few years ago. I have the feeling that I dropped into it because I was greedy. It had been a horrible stretch of dry hot days and I was ever so hot and thirsty, so I ate lots of ice-cream. I love creamy ice-cream. Everyday I indulged in ice-cream. Little did I know that unusual thirst is a symptom of diabetes. Thus by eating lots of sweet things I pushed myself into the dreaded disease of diabetes.

Sigh.... now I cannot eat the food I love most...... ice-cream, chocolates, durian, potato chips & crisps and the list goes on. You know, when the doctor saw my blood test results, he frowned and said that I've got to bring the figures down.

I've got books on how to control diabetes, what to eat, etc etc. The spirit is willing but the flesh is know what I mean? So sneakily I have an occasional ice-cream, a few squares of chocolate, sugar free chocolates, biscuits, jam.....all sugar-free but my daughter warns me..... it's no good for you.

My sister tells me..... you only die once, eat what you like, we have to die anyway and it's already pre-ordained, the manner of our death. Small comfort but somehow it makes the eating less guiltful.

So what have I been up to lately? My significant other and I have been to a centre which has these seatpads linked to a machine called Dr Tron and we sit on them, together with all the other elderly people, for about 20 minutes and then we sit in a spa, called Ezy detox where we sweat it out for about 15 minutes. After that we go for the far infrared lamp which is supposed to heal our aches and pains. A friend who has been using it for a couple of months testified that she has a better complexion..... her liver spots have faded.

I've been for about 3 weeks and I must say that the spa is good. It's akin to the soaking in the spa waters in Japan. A lot of sweat after 15 minutes. I would have liked to remain in it for longer but then there's a queue and the 15 minutes had already given me a good sweat.

Since there is a current promotion on, I decided to purchase Dr Tron and it comes with the spa as a free gift. My friend who also purchased it said it was a good buy and I'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of Dr Tron and my spa. It will be good to have it at home so that we can both enjoy the benefits of Dr Tron and the spa. The spa is actually a tent which has hot air circulating inside. Many people have testified to the good health benefits that they have experienced such as normalising of their high blood pressure. I look forward to having my blood sugars revert to normal if that is possible!

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