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Friday, May 22, 2009

Spring Flowers

It's still spring, in temperate countries and that means
beautiful flowers and blossoms on trees
that had been hibernating
during the winter.

The variety and colors of spring flowers never cease to amaze me
and looking at them fills me with wonder and awe. Who
but the Almighty could have created such varied beauty,
such colors, such fragrance?

The variety itself is astounding and credit must also go to the gardeners who have coaxed such beauty from seeds or cuttings and landscaped them into artistic displays.

Even those that are considered weeds have their own unique beauty, such as the dandelions or the little daisies that sprout everywhere.

Children are like spring flowers. They are born innocent, like a piece of
white canvass on which patterns are painted by parents, people they come into contact with and the experiences they go through.
So that they develop to their full potential, we as guardians,
must nurture them carefully just like the gardeners tend to
their plants, fertilising, weeding and watering regularly.

All parents strive to do their best for their offspring and it is a fact of life that some are able to better than others for many reasons. One can distinguish the children who have been nurtured and taught well, whether from privileged or under-priveleged homes from those who have been maimed emotionally through neglect and abuse. As members of a community, adults should strive to make it their collective responsibility that each child has a fair opportunity to grow and develop into the person he is capable of becoming. Let us paint vibrant colours of beauty on their canvass.
Let us not forget that children, just like the spring flowers, are gifts from God, to nurture, love and cherish.

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