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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Books Available on Pre-Order

 I’m happy to announce that the last book “Successful Magic” in my series “Love in the Shadows of Salem” is now available on pre-order in amazon.

Here’s the link.

Just in case you haven’t heard about this series, there are 5 books altogether. It’s the story of Gwen, who was ignominiously thrown out of her college, found herself without a home, thanks to her father’s crime, and dumped by her fiancé. Get to meet her and to know her within the pages of these books, as she discovers her true nature, befriended by werewolves and falls in love with a vampire. You’ll love the irrepressible Gwen and the chaos created as she discovers her magical powers in raising the dead.

Coming up is a new series entitled Destinies Entwined. The prequel “Welcome Home” is available on amazon and Bryn, after a long sojourn in the human world finally goes home to her own world where Joseph has been waiting for her, always at hand to protect her as he had vowed, centuries ago.

Destinies Entwined is also a 5-book series which showcase Bryn’s story. Book One entitled “The Daywalker” is now available on pre-order on amazon.

My mother, a vicious killer vampire presumed dead is alive and still killing.
My mission? To bring her in, alive.

“Who are you?” I asked, staring at him. I could only see his body from the waist up, but I saw enough to know every inch of his body was lined in muscle.

“Are you enjoying what you see?” he remarked.

I was. But I was not going to let him know that. As far as I was concerned, he could be my next meal. I did not tend to play with my meals...but he might be the exception to that.

Loneliness and death are the constant for Bryn, daughter of vampires. She sets out on her perilous journey to bring in her killer mother, accompanied by the handsome daywalker assigned to assist her. Their attraction to each other is very strong

Will it develop into something more or will their separate destinies doom it from the start? When secrets are uncovered and truths revealed…


Writing has always been my passion and more books are in the pipeline. I will inform you when they are on pre-order.

If you would like to read all my books for FREE, I suggest you sign up to be on my ARC street team. The VIP members in this team get to read all my new books before they are launched, for FREE and the only thing I ask in return is an honest review when the books are live on amazon. Here’s the invitation to join my team. Just click on the link below.

Reviews mean a great deal to an author as it enables more readers to learn more about her books and to read them.

Thank you for reading my books.